Additional resources are being added daily. To access the resources below left click the red links to view and right click to save to your computer.

  1. 40Switch:
  2. Resources:
  3. History:
  4. CEW:
  5. Shoot:
  6. EEPs: Available in PDF and Word
  7. Contracts:
  8. KCCL:
  9. Muse:
  10. Erotic Script:
  11. Meditations: Available in PDF and Word
  12. Trance:
  13. Labs: Available in PDF and Word
  14. Reviews:
  15. Dictionary: Available in PDF and Word
  16. Erotica:
  17. Appreciation: Available in PDF and Word
  18. 4keys: Available in PDF and Word
  19. Impact: Available in PDF and Word
  20. How-to/instructions: Click here
  21. SubSpace: Available in PDF and Word
  22. SexWithJaiya on Pinterest: Click here